Sunday, April 8, 2012

But We Do Know The Ending!

I love the movie A Few Good Men starting a whole host of Hollywood elite including Demi Moore, Tom Cruise, Jack Nicholson and Kevin Bacon. It was on TV yesterday and as my little daughter napped I was able to catch some of the best parts. Midway through the movie Tom Cruise (Lt. Kaffe) comments to Demi Moore (Lt. Cdr. Galloway) in regards to the case that, "We are gonna lose Jo, and lose big." I thought to myself, "Oh Tom if you only knew the ending of the movie, how your mind and statement would be swayed." After I said this I realized the potential hypocritical moment for myself.

As a Christian, I have access to Scriptures which speak about the way things are to be in the end. I know that in the end the Lord vanquishes evil and those who called on his name and followed him faithfully will reign with him forever. Yet how often do I truly live as a victorious person? How often am I overcome by doubt in this world? Why do I allow the enemy to overwhelm me at times as if I did not know my God was strong enough to protect me?

As Christians we know the end of the story yet for the most part we live as defeated people. Satan himself has such knowledge to know the way things will end, yet he lives victoriously in the face of this fate. Why would we allow our knowledge of God's ultimate triumph to be diminished when Satan attempts to overwhelm our lives?

We must live as champions in this life because Jesus has defeated the grave and showed us the final act. So the next time you feel overwhelmed, discouraged or defeated, pick up your Bible and read how Jesus conquered the grave and is coming back to set up His Kingdom on earth forever!

I pray this invigorates your day, Happy Resurrection Day!