I want to "Reach" the world for Christ and I also want to "Reason" with those who think that the Christian faith is quite simply unreasonable. I hope as a Christian I will be able to give an answer for the hope that is in me. -1 Peter 3:15-
Saturday, December 26, 2009
There's Life After Death
Even when we think that God should have done something to save someone, we mere mortals cannot comprehend the knowledge, mercy, compassion and understanding of our Father in Heaven. He knows whats right even when we think its wrong.
A friend of my wife's and I will be going home today to be with the Father and the Son and in this time of reflection God brought this to my mind when I was praying for the family of David our friend who was going home.
There is life after death, both in Heaven and on Earth.
Life will continue for Dave in Heaven with the Father forever more. But likewise, for the family and friends of those left behind, those who are grieving, sleepless and feeling hopeless, there is life on Earth for them as well. May they realize that though their loved one is gone, that the God who loves them, has still provided the opportunity of life abundantly on this Earth in which they still remain.
Until we all meet again, may David Kennedy rest and live in the peace and warm embrace of the Savior in Heaven, and may the Holy Spirit comfort the Kennedy family!
Friday, December 4, 2009
Let us not be the same
"Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel, prophesy, and say unto them, 'Thus saith the Lord God unto the shepherds; 'Woe be to the shepherds of Israel that do feed themselves! should not the shepherds feed the flocks? Ye eat the fat, and ye clothe you with the wool, ye kill them that are fed: but ye feed not the flock. The diseased have ye not strengthened. neither have ye healed that which was sick, neither have ye bound up that which was broken, neither have ye brought again that which was driven away, neither have ye sought that which was lost; but with force and with cruelty have ye ruled them. And they were scattered, because there is no shepherd: and they became meat to all the beasts of the field, when they were scattered. My sheep wandered through all the mountains, and upon every high hill: yea, My flock was scattered upon all the face of the earth, and none did search or seek after them."
Ezekiel 34:2-6 KJV-
Corruption, lack of leadership, vanity, self-righteousness, greed and a whole host of other adjectives could be used to describe the shepherds of these verses. They are exactly the opposite of what we as saved Christians need to be.
We must seek after the scattered, the lost, the broken, the sick. We must as God's shepherds of the truth on earth seek after his own who are far from the truth. That is our job. Let us not be the same as those of the old testament book of Ezekiel. We have to step out of our cozy little worlds into the fray where the enemy walks around waiting to attack us when we try to turn the hearts of the wicked to God. But that again friends is our job.
Lets commit to reaching the lost for the Lord, lets turn this world on fire for God and not stop until we breathe our last. Who's with me?
What happens when we turn from our ways?
Here is what God's says in Ezekiel 33
"When the righteous turneth from his righteousness and committeth iniquity, he shall even die thereby. But if the wicked turn from his wickedness, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall live thereby."
Ezekiel 33:18-19 KJV-
So what does this all mean. Basically this, if we know the truth and as Christians we should, then if we are living righteously then all is fine. But if we turn from the righteous way and the righteous God we will surely die in our sins, and if we die in our sins we likely know where we are headed when we depart this world.
On the flip side if the wicked stays on his wicked path he too will suffer the fate of the one who fell from righteousness. But he too, the wicked man, can turn from his ways, follow God and his ways, accept what is lawful and right (thanks to Christ's sacrifice he became both which is lawful and right) he can be saved from the torture of Hell.
Bottom line to these verses if you are on the straight and narrow do all you can through prayer and relationship with God to stay on that path (he will do the rest), and if you are not on that path, reach out to God to show you the way, and when you get there stay on that path as well because as Christ puts it in Matthew 7:
"Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it."
Be counted as one of the few my friends!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
How long would you wait?
If your spouse, friend, or anyone promised to pick you up from the airport and after landing you got your bags and you were waiting around... 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 45 minutes, 2 hours! How long would you stand there and wait for them to come before resorting to another means of transportation home?
How about if you were waiting for a doctor's appointment, how long would you sit in the waiting room before saying something to the clerk, "Hey where is this guy??"
How about when your on hold trying to get your cable internet working again, how many songs and how long will you sit on that phone before you get frustrated and hang up?
Stay with me here I know I go out on a limb sometimes but this is good...
Read the following verses below:
"Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for Him..."
Psalms 37:7 KJV-
"...be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life."
Revelation 2:10 KJV-
"...knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope."
Romans 5:3-4 KJV-
"Strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness."
Colossians 1:11 KJV-
So I ask again how long would we wait?
How long would we wait for God's voice to speak to us?
How long would we wait to see God's answer to our prayers?
How long will we wait to see God coming back to earth like he promised he would return someday?
I hope your answer is not hang up, He's not answering, or I'll just call a taxi God forgot about me.
He hasn't forgotten you, your prayers and your heart. He knows us all by name and will reward you for your patience, but sometimes what we think qualifies as patience doesn't even scratch the surface of what God would call real longsuffering and endurance.
So here is my urging to you, don't stop believing, don't stop praying!
Stay diligent He will answer you when the time is right. If we claim to love Him and want to follow Him wherever He might take us then do that.
Follow Him even when its not popular, believe in Him even when all hope seems to be lost. He is coming back someday for His own, just be patient and as the verse above says we will recieve the crown of life!
I hope these thoughts have blessed you richly this day.
May His peace and love and hope be upon you, AMEN!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Amos 8:11-
Here is the scripture and you determine for yourself if this fits for our generation:
"Behold, the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD."
Amos 8:11 KJV-
So what do you think, are we suffering through a famine for the word of God?
How much of scripture is read in you church services weekly?
How about your bible studies, are they really about studying God's word or do you read someones latest find your purpose book?
How about your daily life, is it filled with God's word or is it filled with Time Magazine?
If after evaluating these questions you answered yes your likely not alone.
I believe we are seeing the beginnings of this famine Amos warned about. Pastors from pulpits are telling you how to make more money, have the life you always dreamed of and are too busy talking about the greatest self-help books to even mention any scripture in their messages. We are afraid to talk about sin, hell or prophecy but we sure can tout Rick Warren's newest book (I personally do not have a problem with this man). We are not feeding the flock the word of God we are feeding the flock the world and we are losing touch with the lost because we allow for moderate worship of our God instead of fervent worship. The American church in my eyes for the most part is starving for the word of God. If we don't turn from this way in America the church here will surely die from starvation and dehydration. Don't believe this can happen to us, just read a little bit about the church in England and in Europe and you can see for yourselves what happens when the world takes over the word.
There is one thing, however, we can personally guarantee that we won't see this famine at least until Bibles are banned in America, and even then we can find a way. The guarantee is to pick it up, open and read the word daily. Its that simple. Set aside some quiet time to read and reflect, draw near to the creator by reading about him. The only way we can connect, grow and learn to follow our God is to read about who he is, then we can truly know who it is we choose to put our trust and faith in.
So put down your computer and pick up your Bible, I promise it will transform your perspective!
God Bless Friends
Friday, October 16, 2009
The Hardest Command
I certainly do and I feel as though this is the hardest command for me.
No, not love your neighbor, or care for the widow. It is even more daunting than that, at least to me it is.
"...And He said unto him, 'Follow Me.' And he left all, rose up, and followed Him."
-Luke 5:27-28 KJV
This description was about the encounter of Jesus and Matthew (Levi) the tax collector. This is the hardest thing I believe our Lord commanded us to do.
"Follow Me."
It seems simple indeed, but when you really look at it, it seems to require so much more, yet again it is simplistic in its idea.
Matthew left all to follow Jesus. This ALL isn't a figure of speech. This ALL is everything he had, owned, desired, everything and everyone he had ever known. That is what makes this so hard. Sure it seems easy to leave it all behind and follow someone you never knew and we assume its easier because we know the stories of the Gospels but think about it for a minute.
How great a sacrifice was this for men, the disciples, to do? Matthew was no doubt paid well enough by the Romans to eat and have a roof over his head. He had a job, family, friends. Yet in one moment in his life he left it all behind to follow a stranger. Amazing!
Simon Peter too in verse 11 of this chapter also followed suit in leaving everything to follow Jesus. What faith and strength!
In today's day and age we have great possesions. Thanks to Facebook and MySpace we have more friends than Tila Tequilla. Money, homes, cars, we have it all. Yet Christ is calling us similarly as he called his disciples, "Follow Me."
How many of us have answered this call? I know I have not fully embraced this. I marvel at the thought of giving it all away. Things I have worked so hard for. The career path I have embarked on. My family, friends and day to day happenings. All left behind because he calls me.
I have left friendships, time with my wife and family, even time spent with my job to pursue ministry at our church, yet I have not left everything to follow HIm. Maybe I am missing the true nature of this statement?
All I know is I am trying to pursue Him where he calls but giving it all away to follow Him I have not done. Maybe there is hope for a confused guy like me. Maybe its the willingness when he calls to leave it all. When he calls me to High School Ministry at our church, do I forgo business trips, family dinners, Raiders games (I hope you continue to read on after you discovered I was a Raider fan, please forgive me, I am a sinner!)? I have to answer that with a sometimes. Business trips seems to be the hardest thing. I do not receive a salary for my work with the church so it is hard for me to justify in my tiny brain missing out on mandatory meetings to serve in the ministry. But maybe God doesn't desire us to loose our jobs for Him, at least maybe not at this moment.
Know this, no matter how overwhelming this verse is to do, when He calls you (I believe it will be unmistakable He is calling) then be ready to leave it all behind. True He has already called us into relationship with Him and today we pursue to strengthen those ties with Him, but when that call comes to Follow Me be prepared to go where he wants you to go and be willing to sacrifice it all for the sake of the cause, no questions asked.
I pray the Lord strengthen us all when He calls us to have the faith it takes to do what He says. Would we all FOLLOW HIM! AMEN!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
A prophet is not accepted in his own Country
So this morning I came across this verse in the Gospel of Luke and I wanted to share a thought with you.
"And He said, 'Verily I say unto you, No prophet is accepted in his own country.'"
-Luke 4:24 KJV
If you are actively sharing your faith with others no doubt you have felt that no one was getting it. People just walked by and shrugged at you or you might have gotten some angry ones as well. The tracts you left for others ended up in the trash or in the gutter on the side of the street. All of this is similar to all those who share their faith and do the work for the gospel.
This verse should let you know that even Jesus himself, the apostles, and the old testament prophets all suffered this same fate we find ourselves in. Prophets were killed in their own cities, and Jeremiah was even put in the stocks in the town square for preaching the prophetic message revealed to him by God. Jesus was crucified by the people he came to save first.
All of these examples and many, many more in scripture shouldn't scare you but let you understand that not everything you say to those on the streets will be received well or be heard deeply. But that's okay, it didn't stop the prophets of old even in the face of death they delivered their message and we too must do the same.
Here is thought, if you aren't having much success around the corner or at the local mall, take your act elsewhere. What I mean is if its not working in your home city take a 20 minute drive to the next town or city and try there. If that still doesn't work the next time you go out of town set aside some time to preach the word to those people where you are traveling. Remember no prophet is accepted in his own country (town, local area), but it doesn't say they weren't accepted in places other than this. Take your act on the road and preach the word.
God luck and Blessings (yes I meant God, not good!)
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Do what you learned as a child
Rolling in dirt, playing ball with your friends, having sleepovers, eating all kinds of sugary candies and many many more things we enjoyed.
We are encouraged in scriputre by Jesus himself to become like a child. No this is not some magic time machine nor is it a scene from the 80's movie "Big" starring Tom Hanks. It is a picture by the way in which we should approach God.
Yes we are to be soldiers, we are to be strong, comforting, loving, and disciples for the Kingdom. But if we are to be these things then why did Jesus say also:
"But Jesus called them unto Him and said, "Suffer little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not: for such is the Kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the Kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter it."
-Luke 18:16-17 KJV-
It is fun to think about this. Jesus tells us to do big people things like take the word into all nations and baptizing many. Yet unless we receive the Kingdom of God like a child we can not enter it.
This may take a simpler answer than we all might expect and in my last few words the answer may have all ready been laid down...
Still wondering...
It is simple...
Still wondering...
I just said it!
Children simplify things. They understand things on a much simpler level than you and I do, yet in our complexities we foul up the simple message of the gospel and who it was that sacrificed Himself for our salvation.
As we grow older we gain more knowledge which is a good thing, yet we can become puffed up with this knowledge and in turn forget how basic Christianity really is and we can create our own system of salvation instead of relying on the one that has already laid the foundation for it.
Children wouldn't make that mistake we did right there. They would just trust their elder (God) and know he was looking out for them.
Another reason we should receive the Kingdom like a child is because the one thing most children cannot not do it fend for themselves. As we grow older we learn to rely less on our parents and more on our own self strength and competencies. That is a good thing right, but when we forget where we came from, life as a weak child, we forget the one who provided for us.
This same theory goes for our walks as Christians. As we mature in our walks we put aside the things that nurtured us a babe Christians. Our prayer life suffers, we spend more time reading People Magazine than God's word, we just lip sync the songs in church. We become lazy, and self-reliant. That is why we do not see the need for the Father to continue to provide for us, well except when things go really bad right?
And how wrong is that, we call on God when times get tough instead of all the time. Is he some sort of Fire department or Police force called on when we can't handle that kitchen fire or burglar?
If he is to you please sincerly and quickly reevaluate the God in which you claim you are saved by.
My God is not some emergency backup plan and he shouldn't be yours either. He should be your everything plan. Just like Jesus said about the children and us, become like them in regards to the Kingdom.
Simplify your faith by trusting everything to him. That is your house, cars, job, marriage, children and whatever else you have. Trust it to him and believe he is the only one who can provide that for you just like the way little children believe that of their parents.
Keep It Simple Servant and serve Jesus faithfully!
Friday, October 9, 2009
We are to be good soldiers of Jesus
"Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier."
-2 Timothy 2:3-4 KJV-
What a great set of verses. Lets take a look at how these might apply to the believer.
First what does Paul tell Timothy here?
He says that as a good soldier we must endure hardness or better said we must endure pain, suffering, trial, training. These are all true of the faithful soldiers that fight our wars abroad and at home today for the USA.
So as a good soldier of Christ we should expect to suffer hardships much the same as our Commander in Cheif, Jesus himself, suffered.
So why should we do this?
There are two reason Paul tells us above:
1. The first is vitally important in this day and age. We suffer so that we do not become entangled or attached to the things of this world. No doubt Hollywood is all about glitz and glamor of life. The more the better. New Coach hand bag, sure! New Maseratti, no problem!
But to the soldier of Christ these things can cause us to lose our focus in the battle of the gospel. Ask any soldier of our own country if they were to think about things back home in the middle of taking enemy fire would they expect to survive. Almost all would tell they would certainly be dead.
Simply because in the heat of the battle there mind was elsewhere. They got sloppy, lazy, forgetful and that stray bullet that usually would miss its hidden target found it because that soldier was thinking about home and not more about concealing his position.
The same applies for the soldier of the gospel. If we are all wrapped up in the latest gossip about Jon and Kate Gosselin then we will be less wrapped up in the gospel. That means that the people who most need to hear the word won't hear it at all. Fix your minds on the combat of the gospel and not the world!
2. The second reason and quite frankly the most important spiritually is that when we suffer and put aside the things of this world for the things of God we please Him who called us. If for no other reason you do something do it for the King of all Kings!
I hope these verses give you some perspective on the battle we face as good soldiers of the Lord when spreading his good news to the lost.
Reach out and share it with someone today, God Bless friends!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Defintion of our Faith!
"And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manisfest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory."
1 Timothy 3:16 KJV-
God was made manifest in the flesh and we called him Jesus Christ.
He is the maker and sustainer of our faith and lives. This one we choose to follow first chose us to make. This is a precious gift of God and salvation to us who choose to believe upon him and all he has for our lives.
I hope you have a blessed week friends and may you remember this scripture when someone asks you about your faith you can tell them who he is!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Because the LORD God of Israel...
"And all these kings and their land did Joshua take at one time, because the LORD God of Israel fought for Israel."
Joshua 10:42 KJV-
Did you catch that part, because the LORD God of Israel fought for Israel, that is the key.
If God is for us who can be against us, but if God is not for us then how do we evaluate our actions, responses and postures towards him to ensure he is for us?
First off God loves all his creation. I know this might seem odd considering that means he loves guys like Hitler, Manson, Stalin, Ahmadinejad and etc. But He is just simply good. I threw one at you there is he just good or is he Good and Just?
Of course he is both and that means loving his creation equally.
I know, I know, Yes he did hate Esau but that was because of what Esau did, but he did not hate Esau in the womb only when Esau turned from God by selling his birthright.
Back to my point...
However that also means judging his creation equally, that means my sins are counted equally with the sins of Pilate. We are judged on the same scale whether I think thats fair or not.
But when you think about it if God did judge on different scales how right and just of him would that be? No your very right, God should not show favoritism in judgement heres an example:
"Chris you have been a good guy, you followed your own right path, even though I think stealing is wrong you only stole a few small things in your life namely bubble gum, so I guess well your in! Just do me a favor and stay away from the bubble gum isle at our heavenly convenience store."
So I only stole little things and I was allowed entrance into the kingdom, well what about you maybe you never stole anything, how fair is it that a thief like me enters the kingdom? How about that guy that stole a car once in his life, should he get in? I mean I stole gum a few times but he stole a car once, which is worse, once or multiple times?
Do you see how this whole judging thing could get out of hand if God did not hold everyone accountable on the same scale? I hope you do. I doesn't matter, gum, money, boats, cars, if you steal then your a thief plan and simple and that's how the judge will see it.
So now your thinking well God is love and he won't judge me, and you would be right your god won't judge you, that's because the god you created in your mind doesn't believe in that but the God of the Bible is clear he will judge his people someday.
No one is perfect and I know that better than anyone, and God is perfect and his law is perfect by which he judges our actions and life. So how can we being imperfect hope to achieve this state of perfection and everlasting life. We can't imperfect will never equal perfect just like 2 cannot have the same value as 5 no matter how much time and effort 2 puts into being bigger and stronger and holier he can never equal 5.
Now don't loose hope, remember how I told you that God was perfect, well he is and he came down in the form of a man to pay the penalty against that perfect law that judges us. With his death, burial and resurrection Jesus defeated the law's penalty for us and if we take his name into our hearts and live him out, believe fully in his promise we to can be saved.
I pray this message reaches you with joy and you find the hope that I have found in the savior, Jesus Christ. Remember if God is for us who can be against us!
May God richly bless you this day friends!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Last Night...

On a 4th and 15 late in the 4th quarter the Raiders Quarterback JaMarcus Russell hit receiver Louis Murphy for a 57 yard touchdown to put the Raiders in the lead late. The building erupted in cheers and screams and claps, and as I hugged my brother and high-fived fans around me I stopped and wondered for a brief moment why we were all going so crazy for a game.
Granted NFL football is quite exciting especially in moments like that, but when was the last time we cheered like that in church?
When was the last time we clapped that hard and hugged one another after the Pastor told us about the promise of the Gospel?
I dare to say not once if any!
And that's what has me thinking, since last night and this morning, how will it sound when Christ returns to this earth?
Will they cheer like we did last night in Oakland?
Will the noise be louder and will we feel the vibrations like we did when the Air Force flew 2 F-16's over the stadium?
I am not sure exactly but I would have to say yes! This will be the most climatic event in all of history and every eye will see Him when He comes.
When Christ returns it will be the end of the game after a winning touchdown drive, the opponent won't get a chance to tie or win the game, its finished. Jesus will come back as a Savior and more importantly to us who follow him and are oppressed, he will come back on a White Horse as a Conqueror!
My job and the job of those who choose to follow him is to get that word out to as many people as possible.
Living a good life in front of people and being a good example is nice but how will those you are around know why you are such a nice, polite, uplifting person if you never share that with them? How can they hope to achieve your relationship with Christ and the hope you have inside of you if you don't share that? How can they escape the judgement of the almighty if they have not been informed there is a judge who sits on the throne of Heaven rightly judging the people of his creation?
To the elect and workers in Christ, this is our message, get the word out.
Don't delay make it today!
Nice rhyme huh!
God Bless brothers and sisters in the way, and have a nice day!
Sorry, I did it again, I'm thinking might just write a Dr. Seuss book after this. :)
May the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all, Amen!
Friday, September 11, 2009
9.11.09-Eight Years to the Day
I remember where I was and I will never forget the families and the victims of these heinous attacks. They will forever be etched in my memory. If I don't pray for them any other time of the year I do this day. Pray with me:
Dear God, Father of Heaven and earth, I pray for your comforting hand for all those mourning this day. I pray for peace, and closure. I pray that this nation never forget this day and we never forget just how vulnerable we are. We want you to be our God and we to be your people. Protect us as you did our ancestors in generations past. Help us fight and win the war on terror, so that your name may be praised. We thank you for all you have done and all you will do to keep this country safe. Watch over all of our service men and women and guide them safely. To your honor and glory we pray in the name of the one you sent to us for a sacrifice, Jesus Christ, Amen!
Though the pain may still be present we have a God who is strong enough to help us through and encourage us to live life to the fullest, a life pleasing him. May God's comfort be over you all this day as we remember those who have fallen 8 years ago today.
God Bless America!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
God Will Move Waters For You!
"And the priests that bare the ark of the covenant of the LORD stood firm on dry ground in the midst of Jordan, and all the Israelites passed over on dry ground, until all the People were passed clean over Jordan."
Joshua 3:17 KJV-
When the Levites stepped into the waters of the Jordan holding the Ark of the Covenant the water would rise up and split apart making the way for the Israelites dry and safe. Twice God moved the waters for his people to cross through unharmed.
That is his continued promise which I thought about this morning. First off God is the same yesterday, today and forever.
"For I am the LORD, I change not..."
Malachi 3:6 KJV-
"Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever."
Hebrews 13:8 KJV-
If he protected his own back then what makes any of us think he won't do the same today?
The fact is that he will stand up for his own. In the last book of the Bible we read of a special protection given God's people in the last days to stand up against the evils taking place on earth during the great tribulation. We read:
"And then came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth; and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power. And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree, but only those men which have not the Seal of God in their foreheads."
Revelation 9:3-4 KJV emphasis added-
With this wonderful promise it makes me wonder why anyone wouldn't want to have God do the same for them. The true fact is however, many people in this world choose not to follow God. They either don't believe, don't care or worse, they have never heard his gospel message.
If you are a Christian and you are looking for God's will in your life, its quite simple really:
"And He said unto them, 'Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.'"
Mark 16:15 KJV-
"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost (Spirit)."
Matthew 28:19 KJV emphasis added-
So you see God's will for our lives is to spread his message to the whole world. Go preach, teach and give speech to the lost ones and help them come to a place that they can truly say they are found!
For those of you who are reading this and don't know the gospel message, please read some of the previous posts. If it is still unclear after reading please feel free to email me and I would love to respond to your questions. If you have heard the message of promise from the gospel before but it never really took hold in your life then its not to late to change that, here's what you can do to accept the Lord Jesus Christ.
1. Repent- Turn your heart from the ways of sin in your life, confess to God about your sins and he will forgive you.
2. Believe and Trust-Believe and Trust on the Lord Jesus Christ and his resurrection and you will be saved (John 3:16).
3. Get and Read a Bible daily-This is a sure way you will stay grounded in your faith by learning daily who it is that has saved you, what you have been saved from and the very nature of the one who saved you!
4. Get in a good Bible based church-This helps build community and a support system for you. It helps grow the body of Christ as well.
5. Share what you have experienced with others who do not know the promise and truth of the Gospel. They are lost but can be found like you were.
I hope this has helped your understanding this day, Enjoy this day to the fullest.
God Bless friends!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Do we assume God is American?
It is interesting to think that about that. Why is the Church persecuted? Why do some many people get violent or hate-filled when the name of God, Jesus or the Bible is spoken? Why are Pastors being imprisoned daily worldwide for spreading the good news and hope of the gospel of Jesus Christ? What is so scary about a Christian worldview to most in politics?
After pondering these sorts of questions I can only really think of one thing...
I know, I know, how do I know that Christianity is the truth?
Better still how do you know that it is not?
Why is nobody imprisoned for spreading the message of Krishna? Why haven't countries banned distribution of the Qur'an? Why don't New Agers face death for talking about the higher power of self?
Simple again I think... they all miss the mark for absolute truth. Here is what I mean. Christianity is the only religion to declare that God came in the flesh to die for the sins of man, and that believing in him and only him is the path to heaven. We Christians believe that Narrow is the path that leads to life.
"Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it."
Matthew 7:14 KJV-
The world believes that wide is that same path to life and heaven. Much is the belief of Oprah Winfrey and her New Age belief system. To her there are many ways to heaven. You can see how non-threatening this world view is. It says that you are in control of your own morality, you set the bar for your way of life. Your are not governed by any authority above your own self-governing. You are your own absolute truth, that is truth and light in self.
"Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there will be which go in there at:"
Matthew 7:13 KJV-
Now do we see why New Age belief is not persecuted but Christianity is? Do we see why the Buddha is a safe image to worship but Jesus is outlawed?
I hope it is clear, the truth will always face the most opposition from forces seen and unseen, because it poses the greatest threat to self-righteousness and living a life that is pleasing to you and not others. Christianity teaches that God governs all, and truth is in him and life everlasting exists in his one way for your life. Jesus said:
"I am the way, the truth and the life; No man cometh unto the Father, but by Me."
John 14:6 KJV-
This is the truth that strikes to the heart of unbelievers and keeps them at a distance. Why? Because as soon as you accept the fact that God exists, and you accept that he is a perfect and just judge then you realize you have to fall under his law. When you realize this your heart races because you realize you are subject to obeying those laws which means giving up all you want for all he wants.
But its not that bad, life doesn't lose all meaning, your hope is not dashed. When you realize what I have and many Christians worldwide have is when you surrender your life to your Lord and King he will fill the voids that were left when you gave up everything to follow him. You might lose that girlfriend you were living with but God may replace that with a Godly marriage in the future. The job where you stole money from may be gone but God will provide work you can be proud of and be honest to.
Life as a Christian is anything but smooth and boring, it is quite invigorating and full of purpose. Sure you can't really go out and sleep with whoever you want, and drink and smoke and shoot any drug you want, you can't continue to steal from work, or cuss out that guy that cut you off on the freeway, but really when you look at it where did that stuff get you anyway? Hung-over, depressed, feeling guilty, in prison or in the doctor's office for hypertension.
Give God a chance to transform your life for the better. Its simple really, yet it is very hard for many.
What you have to do is Repent, Trust in Christ, get in a good bible teaching church, read his word daily and do what it says. If you do those things, I promise you, you will see God move in amazing ways in your life!
God Bless friends!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Atheism really doesn't make much sense. And if Atheism doesn't make sense then Theism (the belief in a God, Creator) must make sense or at least Deism (believe in a creator that no longer intervenes in the universe). As you can tell by this blog I believe in a God who is above all, He sacrificed himself for our sins, something only a perfect all knowing being could do.
So ask yourself if you are an Atheist, WHY? Does your belief make any sense? If it doesn't why do you cling to it? Does it have to do with a question of Morals?
If so check this out, I too was a great sinner, as a matter of fact I know I have sinned today. The difference is that I am willing to admit it to the Creator of this universe and with the admittance and acceptance of my faults and failures as an imperfect being I can then accept the amazing sacrifice of the Savior who paid the fine due for the failures and faults of my life. Then I can walk freely knowing my sins have been forgiven and my fate has been sealed to one day walk and worship in paradise with the God of Creation!
"The Fool hath said in his heart, There is no God..."
Psalm 14:1 KJV
If our earthly fathers did it, how much more will our heavenly Father?

Okay so I read Hebrews 12 this morning before starting my day and I came across some awesome verses in this chapter.
Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. In your struggle against sin, you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood. And you have forgotten that word of encouragement that addresses you as sons: "My son, do not make light of the Lord's discipline, and do not lose heart when he rebukes you, because the Lord disciplines those he loves, and he punishes everyone he accepts as a son." Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father? If you are not disciplined (and everyone undergoes discipline), then you are illegitimate children and not true sons. Moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of our spirits and live! Our fathers disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, that we may share in his holiness. No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.
Hebrews 12:2-11 NIV-
Notice how the writer of this chapter brings up God's correction of us. I love the use of the word here in the NIV of discipline and the word the KJV uses chasteneth. God will correct, discipline and chastise the ones he loves. Like it says here, our earthly fathers disciplined us for their respect so we should expect our heavenly Father to discipline us as well. I know when we talk of God we speak so often of his love. As amazing as his unending love is do we consider correction an act of love?
I would say that if we don't we might need to consider this point. I remember my parents when they would correct me telling me this is going to hurt them more than it hurts me. Of course I never believed them, but why would it hurt them, its my backside that is getting the attention not theirs. Now of course as I get older I realize that the pain of punishing and correcting their own flesh and blood is indeed hard for parents because they have to chastise the ones they love the most. This might not cause physical pain but it causes internal pain. So why do it if it just hurts all parties involved. Simple, because they would rather correct their children then have them grow up not knowing right from wrong. They would rather punish their children then have the long arm of the law punishing their children. They want the best for their children and will do anything for them so they can have an easier go at life even if some of the rough spots are brought about by the parents disciplinary actions. It goes the same way with God, he would rather suffer us a little while then let us suffer eternally.
The flip side is if your are not being corrected at anytime in your life by God then you are illegitimate children of God. Another words, you don't have a heavenly father because you don't believe in him. That is dangerous ground for your salvation. We should desire that God correct us that way we could take joy in his new understanding that was revealed to us during our time of discipline.
This is the message that we must take to people, particularly the lost, when they ask why does God punish people, I thought he was Love. We can tell them that only a parent who does not care about his or her child would not correct them for doing wrong. It shows true love to punish the ones you gave life because it not only affects them but also you as a parent. But the great news is the benefit of this correction and discipline is a strong and loving son or daughter of God!
Take this message forward to those who could use it. Have a great Saturday and long weekend all, God Bless!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
There are so many people to reach...ahhh

Thursday, August 6, 2009
He is good in times of trouble
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Romans 10...How Beautiful it is!

So tonight at our small group I led the discussion around this powerful chapter in the book of Romans.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Seek the lost, its our job
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Ye are my Friends...

Hey Good Morning All,
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett-"One Heartbeat Away"

Monday, June 1, 2009
Don't Let the Gospel Go Unheard
Thursday, May 7, 2009
National Day of Prayer

Sunday, April 26, 2009
We need to reach them...Christ90X!
The fact is everyone in this world is in the need for something to fill the void in their lives. From wealthy CEO's to the kid failing in Algebra there are voids in everyone's lives. What can fill these voids? The world has seemingly endless ways to fill these voids, drink Pepsi, shop at Safeway, take this pill to feel more like yourself, what you really need is to drive a BMW! Maybe what you need to make that marriage better is a new spouse because the one you chose isn't quite working out.
Does any of the above sound like this world we live in? What can you do?
Well I have a special message for the ones who need that void filled...
You don't need those quick fixes anymore, you don't need to shell out hundreds of dollars to feel worthy or satisfied with yourself...
Two Thousand years ago God came in the form of Man just for you, just for that void in your heart. The emptiness in your heart is circle shaped and Jesus Christ is just the right shape to fill that hole. Maybe yours is a triangle or an octagon, well good news he too can fill that hole just right. Here is something else you might not have known, only he can fill this void fully, things might say they can fill this circle shaped space but their circles are a little too small, their triangles are actually squares. Jesus is the only one who is the right size, the right shape every time and he can come into your lives this day.
All you have to do is pray to him, to look into your heart and help you change the things of the past and use his shed blood on the cross to forgive your sins and turn your heart towards him. Then get a bible and read, get into a solid Christian community and get baptized. Then listen, read and follow what the Lord says through his word and in your prayers and you too can have that void filled. Jesus is not a quick fix but I can tell you that somethings that you desired to be fixed will happen almost instantly, the others through the course of you life with Christ will begin to be revealed and resolved. Sometimes the things you desired to be resolved won't be but you will see that through the power of God's very Spirit poured out upon those believers that you will have peace in the matter that is not fully solved.
You might be thinking this guy is crazy but hey give it a shot, give God 90 days, just like a diet or a work out regiment. Think of it like Christ90X, the salvation workout program and spiritual nutrition plan that will transform your life. And I tell you what if this doesn't work then you can return the Christ90X program at no charge to you and continue your life as normal. But I bet you will be happy with the results and so will those who come into contact with you. Give it a try and you won't be unsatisfied.
"I am not only the Christ90X President, but I am also a client."
Sorry for the bad hair club reference.
Have a great Sunday!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Weekend Peace!
I wanted to take a quick second to write to you and let you know that even though this week was tough and maybe you are completely wiped out with stress or worry about the economy or your marriage or friendships or whatever you can have rest.
How can you have this rest??
Its quite simple really, just trust in Christ, turn your heart towards him, repent and be baptized and find the peace of the Holy Spirit resting in your life.
Here are some things to read this weekend if you feel the need for God's comfort:
Psalm 40- the whole thing, it really helped me one late night when I couldn't sleep and I was up worrying, this Psalm and God's comfort of the spirit put me right to sleep!
Romans 5:1- know that we have peace in him!
I hope this weekend you find that peace, be safe and enjoy your rest!